The Board has also announced that it is setting aside SGD 265 mn from the Tourism Development Fund towards the developing and building of manpower capabilities and productivity. The activities that fall under this initiative will include training programmes and scholarships. MICE industry members have already recognised the existing shortfall in both manpower capabilities and productivity, and are calling for increased efforts to enhance talent development and retention. They point to a gap in the boosting of MICE knowledge and raising skills levels of MICE professionals.
Some of the conclusions I am drawing from these reports and discussions with MICE industry professionals are:
- Singapore's regional competitors have realised that there can be competitive advantages from have well-trained and skilled MICE professionals, and are therefore investing time, effort and money into skills development and manpower capability development. Singapore will need to not only keep pace but exceed what is being done elsewhere in order to hold on to its competitive advantage.
- Singapore's MICE sector is facing a dearth in terms of renewal of manpower and professionals. There is an urgent need to draw young capable people into the industry, to equip them on an ongoing basis, and give them opportunities to learn from the experience of the MICE "old guard".
- The MICE sector needs to make itself a whole lot more attractive to both young and mid-level professionals. Afterall, the sector is really the premier segment of the tourism industry, and yet it still faces challenges in talent retention. There needs to be more concerted efforts to share the buzz, excitement and wow factors with the general marketplace.